Hi all! I know these past few weeks (and months) have been stressful and uncertain for everyone- families and kids included. We've all been feeling the effects of cabin fever and I find myself wondering what this summer going to look like... Is there something my kids and I can look forward to, once we're again able to leave our homes and communities safely? Then it dawned on me: when Co-Vid restrictions are finally lifted, why not undertake a Canadian regional road trip?! That could be an amazing learning experience for my kids and an opportunity to see lesser-known parts of Canada and its amazing beauty. There are so many cool, funky small towns (including Squamish- it's #12 on the list, by the way!) to visit and explore, while still not crossing international borders. What better way to support Canada's small towns than going to visit one? (And hey if you see any real estate that is of interest there is always a RE/MAX office close by!)
So here is a link to a curated list of some amazing small towns in Canada to explore! Get your family excited about an area they would want to go and visit. If you happen to have an RV, that's even better as parks are now slowly opening up. (Be sure to follow along with Parks Canada's website for any guidance on usage and accessibility.)
If you've been feeling a bit cabin feverish as I have been feeling, this is a great opportunity to start planning! And if you have any ideas or cool recommendations of some towns that cannot be missed please let me know or comment below.
Have a Great Trip!
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